Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Goodbye to 'The McLaughlin Group (TMG)' [response to TMG's 9/11 (2009) broadcast]

-----On such a serious day as 9/11, to not provide balance to your panel, is contemptible. It is the last straw and it has broken the camel's back, meaning I am ending my long period of viewing TMG.

-----I have always admired how Eleanor Clift fought the odds, when the panel was not balanced on prior shows, but the stacking against Eleanor Clift, with the standard right-wing team of the 'NeoCon Pull-String Doll'-Monica Crowley and 'Nixon-Reagan Groupie'-Pat Buchanan along with the 'Bernie Madoff Putz'-Mort Zuckerman on your 9/11/09 show ( and its initial topic), is egregious.

-----I will forever be in awe of Eleanor Clift, and appreciate the balanced thoughts of Clarence Page, Eleanor Clift's sole equal, from either side of the aisle.

-----I leave you with a final all-encompassing sentiment for both sides of the aisle of debate, whose supercritical mass was triggered by 'Mussolini Wannabe'-D-I-C-K Cheney's pronouncement that waterboarding was not torture.

-----I lament over the Republican Party's ability to hoax and mislead the American Public as a whole, using yet again another disparaging mantra, "You Lie!" during Obama's last speech to Congress. It is yet another example of what Republicans and their deluded supporters continue to use, the loathsome and hideous means: tactics of confusion, destabilization, and unjust maneuvers to foment and promote their agendas.

-----Republicans, NeoCons, and their like, are nothing more than those who have undeservedly commandeered the mantles of Protectors of Economic Growth and National Security. How much history is enough to embarrass these people and the Republican party into realizing that up to this day, they dont hold a candle, much less a match, to the Democrats, who have led the US through its greatest National threats (wars) and have won and/or stopped aggression (WWI, WWII, Korean Conflict). And subsequently, the Democrats managed, led and nurtured into creation, the four greatest economies into existence (the US, and the nation-building: Japan, Germany, and South Korea). What do the Republicans have historically, three, maybe: the Civil War, Spanish-American War, Iraq War; {the Vietnam War(joint Republican / Democratic disaster, by 1954, Eisenhower was providing 80% of the cost of French war in Vietnam), and as far as the illusionary claim for the downfall of the Soviet Union by Ronald Reagan: lets not forget the Democrats providing the pivotal arms support(stinger missiles) for Afghanistan's Mujahideen fight with the Soviet Union, WAY BEFORE Ronald Reagan jumped on that bandwagon and stealing the reins; combine this with the three greatest global political embarrassments and economic setbacks to the Soviet Union, prior to Reagan, all done under Democratic Rule: the Korean Conflict and the nurturing of the South Korean economic powerhouse, Landing on the Moon, and the Cuban Missile Crisis-Legitimate enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine}. As far as the economic outlook for Iraq, don't even think Iraq will even come close to what the Democrats have led and nurtured into economic existence; Iraq is a pure economic pawn that will, in time, convulse, choke, dry heave, then finally hurl, the Republican-led economic crony-istic structures, they put into place.

-----So how in hell, do the Republicans/NeoCons have any rightful conscience to claim the mantles of Protectors of Economic Growth and National Security?


-----It is all a @#$%& noxious smokescreen and hoax for the sake of Republican Capitalism.

-----Economically, the Republicans have turned their backs on the true realization of free markets and public responsibility. Ask yourself, and answer truthfully, whether any business legislation by Republicans has increased free markets and public responsibility (throughout the entire American history,not just recently). Since Monica Crowley, like D-I-C-K Cheney, stated that waterboarding is not torture, maybe the only reasonable way (Republican reasonable) of getting a truthful answer from Republicans/NeoCons is to WATERBOARD them. After which, getting a truthful answer will lead you to Republican Capitalism, which hates competition, fosters monopolies and specialized interest groups crafting legislation to serve their business goals, which places the health, progression and welfare of American workers (and their families) second,third or fourth to profit, and market domination, while repugnantly campaigning, by subterfuge, to obtain 'personhood' status (and its inalienable rights) to corporate entities.

-----Republican Conservatives/NeoCons have their roots in Hobbesianism, and the essence of Hobbesianism is absolutism, which characterizes the constituency groups that Republicans seek and attract: religion - Christian Fundamentalists, environmental/science - anti-global warming and Creationist science supporters, economic - Wall Street profit-at-all-costs hedge funds and investment banks, who create nothing substantial at all, all the while seeking bailouts for gambling away the retirement funds of millions of American workers, and the list goes on and on.

-----The days of the Republicans ever coming up with an Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt or Dwight D. Eisenhower, are dead and gone!

America needs the Republican Party 'TO DIE', and die soon, and go the way of the Whigs!!!

-----And be replaced by an INDEPENDENT type party, that will keep the ideas of republican democracy (where the people are sovereign, not big business or corporations) fostered and alive, all while keeping the Democrats in check.

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